
Sunday, 3 February 2013

Super Foods Exterminator Breast Cancer

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that by 2020 the number of cases of breast cancer will increase.

It is feared, one in eight women will run the risk of developing the disease in his life. Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) also concluded that over the last two decades there has been a drastic increase in the statistics relating to women diagnosed with breast cancer.

As reported by the Times of India, in many countries, breast cancer has been declared a form of cancer most common cause of death in women than cervical cancer.

Early detection and routine medical exams is not just a woman's duty to prevent this disease. Even a healthy diet by consuming some foods that can fight the malignant cells also began earlier recommended for the women of today.

Tina Sapra, senior clinical nutritionist and coordinator of Fortis Memorial Research Institute and Dr. Vandana Mathur, nutritional counseling, Health Metropolis, Mumbai, gave an insight into the foods that can prevent women develop breast cancer risk.

The doctors discuss the age group most vulnerable to the disease and also tell about the foods that should be avoided in the daily diet to maintain the growth of cancer cells spreading.

Here are some suggested foods to eat to prevent breast cancer:


Flaxseeds contain omega-3, lignans, and fiber found in flaxseed found to be beneficial to form a protective shield against cancer cells causes of breast cancer. Always include flax seed in your diet. Can also be mixed into yogurt or add flax seed to salad.

Brazil nuts

This unique bean: rich selenium, fiber, and phytochemicals that may help fight inflammation, boost the immune system and prevent tumor growth. Enjoy these nuts can be mixed with other nuts or, with fruits and can also be mixed in the menu of asparagus soup (containing anticancer components, chlorophyll).


Garlic is a rich source of compounds that can fight cancer is called, allium. Garlic also other types of onions including red onion and leeks are also known to slow the growth of tumors and prevent the risk of breast cancer, among other forms of cancers such as colorectal and prostate cancer.

Destroy or swallow a piece of garlic every morning, is believed to help you free of cancer.


The fruit is highly recommended for women who want to be free of breast cancer. Pomegranates contain polyphenols ellagic acids with anti-oxidants that prevent cancer growth. Include these delicious fruits in your daily diet and discover the benefits of effective health.

Green leafy vegetables

Of kale, cabbage, spinach and Swiss chard, green leafy vegetables also may be considered a "one stop shop" for all the best nutrients the body needs to ward off cancer cells. These vegetables contain fiber, B vitamins, phytochemicals, chlorophyll and many more. It's time to add some vegetables to your diet.


Sources of omega-3 and vitamin B12, and D can be obtained from salmon. Consume it regularly, are sufficient nutrients needed by the body to regulate cell growth and prevent cancer. In fact, some types of vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin) contained in salmon, proven to be effective in the treatment of cancer.

Salmon easily processed, can be steamed, grilled, or sautéed. Can also be used as material to make a stir-fry vegetable blend combined with healthy spices.


Broccoli is rich in sulforophane and indoles, which demonstrated beneficial to regulate cell growth in a variety of ways and help fight a variety of cancers, including breast, bladder, lymphoma, prostate and lung cancer.

Green tea

Regular consumption of this drink, it can minimize the number of breast cancer patients. The content of phytochemicals in green tea is also beneficial for the health. One to two cups of green tea every day can help you keep healthy and avoid cancer.


Most peppers contain phytochemicals, or nutrients that will help fight cancer. Chili and peppers are also believed to contain capsaicin (the active component of chili) against the rate of growth of cancer cells. Green peppers rich in chlorophyll which can bind to cancer-causing carcinogens found in the colon. Red peppers have both capsaicin and carotenoid antioxidants.


Yellow spice used for seasoning is also believed to fight cancer. Turmeric contains a compound called curcumin can inhibit various types of cancer cells, including breast, lung gastrointestinal, and skin cancer. One segment shall be affixed in every cuisine turmeric may help the body fight cancer-causing cells.

Friday, 1 February 2013

Abnormal Gut Bacteria Cause Malnutrition

The latest research on twins in Malawi, sub-Saharan Africa failed to show the cause of acute malnutrition in children, the disorder of intestinal bacteria.

Abnormalities in bacterial communities that live in the intestines and poor diet is the cause of malnutrition in children. The researchers claim, research results are also confirmed by additional studies in mice.

Based on studies in laboratory mice transplanted known intestinal microbes taken from malnourished children experience dramatic weight loss. Besides its metabolism is also disturbed after mice were given a diet low in nutrients.

"Microbial gut of malnourished children and malnourished mice did not show a normal and healthy," said Dr.Jeffery Gordon, director of the Center for Genome Science & Systems Biology.

Abnormalities of gut bacteria that can not be overcome by high-calorie diet and healthy because the effect is only temporary. Therefore, experts are now trying to find new strategies to improve the intestinal bacterial community so that children can grow and develop optimally.

Poor diet indeed affect malnutrition at the age of the children. But scientists have long been suspicious of why only a handful of children affected by the condition while others do not even though the children were living in one house and were given the same food.

The results of these observations lead to the conclusion that diet alone can not explain why the children were malnourished.

Supplementary feeding will only affect temporary. Although the child's weight can be increased, but remain malnourished children will experience growth disorders, neurological disorders and even death, if supplementary feeding is stopped.

Gordon Research conducted involved 317 pairs of twins in Malawi in the first three years of age. During that period, half of the children grow up healthy and the rest, either both or one of the pairs of twins suffering from malnutrition.

The study focused on children who suffer from malnutrition types of kwashiorkor, a disease that has symptoms distended stomach, liver damage, skin ulcers, loss of appetite and body lean.

Thursday, 31 January 2013

Regular Vacations Can Prevent Disease

Vacationing has now become mandatory agenda middle class family in Indonesia. During a vacation experience that is considered to be equipped to face the next routine. Berlibut also be a family bonding glue again. Discover the benefits are remarkable. Not just for mental health but also physical health.

A new study uncovered that the holidays can help rejuvenate the body by lowering blood pressure and stress levels. So says the holidays can be the best preventative medicine. The effect of a holiday is also called can last for months. Researchers from The Holiday Health Experiment found that go to destinations like Thailand or even exotic Maldives can lower blood pressure and stress and help to get better sleep quality.

Many workers who often do not take the full amount every year sabbatical. In fact, experts suggest that to be healthy, people need a vacation as much as they can.
Recent studies comparing the health of people who vacation in exotic places such as Thailand, Peru, and the Maldives to the people who just stay at home and continue working.

They found that the average blood pressure of people who go on holiday to decline by about 6 percent, while those who remained in the office and continuing the work rose about 2 percent in the same period.
The study also revealed that the quality of sleep of people who go on holiday rose as much as 17 percent, while those who are not on vacation down as much as 14 percent.

This study also indicates the ability of people who go on holiday to cope with stress increased by 29 percent, and decreased by 71 percent for people who are not on vacation.
Similarly, the glucose levels in the study participants. The researchers say that going on vacation can also trigger a decrease in glucose levels, reducing the risk of diabetes and obesity.

"The attitude of not taking a full vacation allotments can be counterproductive actions. Because regular holiday may be counted as preventive medicine," said Director Manager Kuoni, one of the sponsors of the study, Derek Jones, told the Daily Mail.

Well, do not hesitate anymore, immediately plan your vacation.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

6 Natural Foods for Detox

Did you know that most of the disorders that we experience comes from poor diet? That's why we need to provide protection to the body, among other things began to leave the habit of eating good food but not needed by the body.

Some studies even show that a healthy diet will increase the age. In addition to antioxidants, there are some fruits and vegetables are known to help expel toxins from the body.

1. Ginger

This plant has been known for thousands of years for treatment. Add pieces of fresh ginger into fruit juice or tea to boost immunity and anti-inflammatory.

2. Lemon
Lemon and other citrus some very rich in vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant. Squeezed or juiced does not matter. However, if taken immediately we will get the benefit of fiber.

3. Spinach
These vegetables are rich in calcium and folate, have antioxidant kaempfrerol, which can reduce the risk of prostate and ovarian cancer. Spinach also contains vitamin A, B, and C. In addition to spinach, other green leafy vegetables are also required to enter in your daily diet.

4. Green tea
Flavonoid content in these drinks will help increase the production of detoxification enzymes.

5. Cereals
High fiber content will aid digestion and help the body remove toxins.

6. White Water
Do not forget to meet the need of water to get rid of toxins from the body. Avoid alcohol, added sugar, and foods that cause the body sensitive.

Safe and effective detox should not make kekurungan body nutrients that it needs. Natural detox generally recommend more vegetables and fruits. Although preferably raw vegetables, but there is no harm in eating lightly cooked vegetables, for example, made soup, making it easy to digest.

For protein, choose fish, chicken or lean meat. The author agrees detox diet of highly processed foods should be avoided, as well as coffee, milk, extra sugar, and cigarettes.

Dizziness When Standing, Signs of Heart Problems

A recent research indicates, someone who is experiencing headaches or dizziness when standing due to blood pressure drops suddenly, have a greater risk of heart failure. In medical terms this condition is commonly known as orthostatic hypotension.

Research indicates that those who have the risk of orthostatic hypotension 54 percent more likely to develop heart failure than their peers who do not have low blood pressure when standing. While in people with hypertension risk is likely to be reduced to 34 percent.

"Some risk factors can increase a person's risk for developing heart failure, including high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, diabetes and orthostatic hypotension," explained researcher, Dr Christine Jones DeLong of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

Heart failure is a condition where the amount of blood pumped by the heart each minute is not able to meet the normal needs of the body. U.S. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute noted that nearly 5.7 million people in the United States have heart failure, and about 300,000 people die each year.

Investigators said he did not know exactly how the orthostatic hypotension can lead to heart failure. "We speculate that orthostatic hypotension and high blood pressure can lead to heart failure risk by the same route, such as when hypertension occurs when the person is asleep," he added.

In the latest study, the researchers enrolled more than 12,000 participants (aged 45-64 years) from four regions in the U.S.. Nearly 11 percent of people who develop heart failure for about 17.5-year study period were found to have orthostatic hypotension at baseline. While those who do not have orthostatic hypotension only 4 percent who develop heart failure.

The relationship between orthostatic hypotension and congestive heart pins among people aged 45-55 years. The findings published in the March 19, 2012 in Hypertension.

Researchers say people with orthostatic hypotension who also have hypertension should take steps to control blood pressure, heart conditions and ensure they are in good health.

The scientists speculate, orthostatic hypotension may be an early indicator of the progression of atherosclerosis - the buildup of plaque in the arteries - caused by high blood pressure. However, this study does suggest that orthostatic hypotension as a cause of heart failure.

Meanwhile, Dr. Robert Myerburg, a professor of cardiology at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine said it was too early to conclude that orthostatic hypotension as a risk factor for heart failure.

"Orthostatic hypotension can lead to cause loss of consciousness that led to the crash, but this is not something that causes heart attacks," he said.

Myerburg also advised to consume more fluids, especially for people with orthostatic hypotension. "If it does not bother or do not cause significant symptoms, you do not need to treat it," he added.

On the other hand, Dr. Tara Narula, a cardiologist at Lenox Hill Hospital, New York City, said that finding anything that can help to diagnose early heart failure would be very useful.
"This is an interesting finding, and if it proved to be the cause orthostatic hypotension or lead to heart failure, we may be able to identify heart failure earlier than we can now."

Sleep after midnight is not always Insomnia

Clock is past midnight but the eyes are still difficult to screwed. Situations like this are fairly common, especially in young adults. So the question arises, do I have insomnia?

The answer is no. According to practitioners of sleep hygiene Mitra Kemayoran Hospital, dr. Andreas Prasadja, RPSGT, many people have misinterpreted trouble sleeping at night as insomnia. In fact, this is a normal condition and is consistent with one's biological clock.

"Just get to bed at one in the morning in young adults (under 30 years), it's normal," he said when met in the chat Langsat, Home Langsat.

According to Andreas, each person has a biological clock that is different. Seseeorang the older age, the need for sleep tends to decrease. In children, sleep needs can be up to 12 hours, a young adult around 8.5 to 9 hours. whereas older adults maximum of only 8 hours.

"For over 30 years, at 10 pm usually sleepy, so their biological clock," he said.

But for those who are in their early 20s, generally it will be difficult to get to sleep at 10 pm. Because in their teens and young adults, have a biological clock that is very distinctive. Teens and young adults when at 10 pm, the brain actually longer fresh-fresh and full of creativity. This is actually a great time for them bekarya and learn.

"Because normally, they just sleepy after midnight," he said.

Just unfortunately, at this age they should follow the schedule of mostly adults, in which the activities have been started at 8 am, while if the school had to come at half 7 in the morning. So, do not be surprised if this age group is the group that is less time sleeping.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Migraine in Women Hormonal Changes Triggered

When compared to men, women are the most vulnerable groups affected by migraine or headaches. Why? A recent research found that hormonal changes that occur in women suspected of being the main reason why women tend to be more likely to suffer from migraines than men.

Data from the National Headache Foundation noted, approximately 30 million Americans suffer from migraines, and women at risk nearly three times higher risk of attack than men.

"Hormonal changes have contributed greatly to the higher incidence of migraines in women," said Dr. Michael Moskowitz, a professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School in Boston USA.

"There is evidence that supports these findings and the reduction of migraine attacks typically occur in postmenopausal women." he added.

Researchers say, a migraine attack in women is likely to occur before or shortly after the onset of menstruation. In addition, the pattern of migraine attacks in women can change during pregnancy or menopause.

Researchers revealed that there are many other factors that can increase a person's risk of suffering from migraines in both men and women:

Heredity: People with a family history of migraine, particularly those who have one or more relatives who suffer from migraines, are at significantly increased risk is greater.

Age: The data showed that migraine patients between the ages of 15 and 55 years old. The first attack usually occurs before the age of 40.

Medical conditions: certain health problems, such as high blood pressure, anxiety, stroke, depression, and epilepsy, have been associated with increased risk of migraines.

Moskowitz said, although migraine is not curable, but the disease can be effectively managed with the help of a doctor. Many drugs are available to prevent and relieve pain and lifestyle changes can eliminate some of the triggers that cause migraines.

Monday, 28 January 2013

6 Types of Water Make Hair Falling Out

Hair loss was not only caused by the use of wrong hair care products. As reported by Boldsky page, hair loss also caused the water you use to wash it.

The water contains chlorine, for example, is not recommended to wash. Therefore, this type of water can threaten the health of the hair. Therefore, you should identify the types of water that can cause hair loss below.

1. Water chlorine

Chlorine is usually plenty of water contained in the pool. This mineral is used to keep pool water free from viruses and bacteria. Unfortunately, high levels of chlorine can adversely affect the hair. It is therefore recommended that you use head coverings while swimming.

2. Hard water

Hard water contains magnesium, calcium, silica, and high levels of dissolved minerals. The content can cause dryness, damage, and thinning hair. Silica contained in hard water can also cause dandruff which leads to hair loss.

3. Brine

This type of water can eliminate the moisture in the hair. Consequently hair dry, brittle and damaged. Hair loss can also continuously resulting in baldness.

4. Rainwater

Many assumed that the rain water is very good for washing hair. Rain water can be harmful to the hair following the increasing levels of air marshals. As a result, hair becomes dry. In addition, acid rain is also considered to be very harmful to the hair.

5. Surface water

Surface water that is pumped from lakes and rivers contain minerals that fewer and sometimes have been contaminated by the environment and the pollution that triggers the development of bacteria. Chlorine and lime was added to the water to kill bacteria. Both chemicals that eventually lead to dry hair and loss.

6. Ground water

Ground water comes from rain water that passes through the layers of the earth and settled in the basement. Minerals such as iron and magnesium, which are found in the soil it can also be found in the groundwater. Mineral is certainly cause dry hair and less shiny.

Why Men are Prone to Diabetes?

Compared with women, men are known to be prone to suffer from diabetes mellitus. The scientists managed to find the answer, partly because biologically men are at higher risk.

Type 2 diabetes occurs due to too much glucose in the blood due to the body's ability to regulate sugar levels in some organs affected. This condition is associated with excess fat in several organs such as the liver and muscle.

Professor Naveed Sattar of the Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences & Medicine said, some research has indicated that middle-aged men at high risk of suffering from diabetes than women.

One explanation for this disease because he just needs to gain a little weight than women. In other words, he could have diabetes by body mass index lower than women.
Sattar and his team believe, fat distribution play an important role in the occurrence of diabetes. In men, gather more fat around the waist and liver. While women have more subcutaneous fat safely stored in the thighs and hips.

In this study, the researchers analyzed data from 51,920 men and 43,137 women in Scotland with diabetes. They measured weight using measurements of body mass index (BMI).

The result is that women with diabetes had higher BMI values ​​than men who are also diabetic. It also explains why in many countries over many men who suffer from type 2 diabetes.

Birth Spacing Adjacent, Bad to The Bone

The frequency of pregnancy and childbirth can have a major impact on health, including the bones. Women often give birth and within the adjacent high risk of decreased bone density.

According to medical experts from the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine, University Hospital Ciptomangunkusumo Indonesia (Faculty of medicine-RSCM) Siti Annissa Nuhonni, during pregnancy the fetus requires a lot of calcium for bone formation, and the need is met by the calcium reserves in her body.

"In addition to pregnancy, postpartum breastfeeding mothers will also be making more calcium given to his mother," said faculty member in the Faculty of medicine-RSCM this.

He added, pregnancy and childbirth occur in the adjacent estrogen can also lead to impaired balance. Though estrogen is required to enter the calcium into the bones. "Therefore, they are more at risk of osteoporosis," he said.

To prevent the loss of calcium, dietitians Fiastuti Witjaksono suggest that a woman from the age of reproduction have sufficient calcium reserves.
"If calcium levels in the blood up, is taken calcium in the bones and teeth because 80 percent of calcium is there," said a specialist from the Faculty of Medicine's Department of Nutritional Sciences.

Intake of calcium can be met from many sources such as milk, cheese, fish, soy, yogurt, and green leafy vegetables. Those aged over 19 years old to 50 years old need 1,000 mg of calcium per day.

But Fiastuti warned that increasing age may lead to calcium absorption in the gut is not optimal.

"When the adult intestine can only absorb 40-50 percent of the calcium we eat, because it needs to be calculated how much calcium we eat has to be no shortage," he said.

One natural way to increase the intake of calcium is to bask in the sun in the morning for 15 minutes and reduce your intake of caffeine, foods high in salt, and stop smoking.

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Avoid Antiseptic of Sensitive Skin Areas

Antiseptic products are now a part of the efforts of many people maintain hygiene. However, not all areas of the skin should be exposed antiseptic products. Areas such as the face, behind the ears, and the folds are areas that should be free of antiseptic because the area

According dr.Hanny Nilasari, Sp.KK, skin on these parts has a very thin layer than other body parts as well as retan to irritation. "All of these chemicals could potentially make an irritant to the skin, especially in certain parts of shells," said a doctor from the department of skin and venereal health sciences faculty of medicine at the launch of CARE Plus Antiseptic Spray in Jakarta.

Antiseptic aims to eliminate bacteria, kill bacteria and inhibit the growth of some bacteria.

Hanny convey, for cleaning sensitive areas like the folds of the vagina, is actually simply by using water instead of soap feminine specialty areas containing antiseptic.

"It should clean up with soap but not too much. Means that do not need any wiping with soap," he explained.

According to Hanny, areas vital and sensitive as the vagina there are lots of good germs are actually needed by humans. Using cleaning fluid instead too often will kill germs and create imbalance tesebut both flora (bacteria) that trigger the emergence of certain diseases.

So it is with men. However, in certain circumstances, such as after having sex, use antiseptic soap can be used but do not be too excessive.

"Except for those who have not been circumcised. Due to the area of ​​skin that covers the penis must be kept clean," he added.

Potbelly Prone to Asthma

Fat deposits in the abdomen often make a person's self confidence down. Another impact of this condition is also harmful to health as it will invite a variety of diseases such as diabetes, heart disease or stroke.

Recent research in Amsterdam Netherlands claimed, abdominal fat also allow a person has asthma. The findings were presented at the European Respiratory Society Annual Congress, Amsterdam, where the results showed that the accumulation of fat in the abdomen - or in medical terms is called central obesity - associated with the risk of developing asthma.

Researchers said that the previous excess abdominal fat has long been linked with a number of health problems, such as diabetes and heart disease. But this time, it is found there is a correlation between the deposition of fat in the abdomen with a lung disease.

Previous studies have found no association between asthma and body mass index (BMI), which is a marker for overall obesity. The latest study was more looking at the waistline, which is a marker of central obesity, to see if the form of obesity can also contribute to asthma risk.

A total of 23,245 people aged 19-55 years realwan without a history of asthma were included in this study. They monitored progress over the past 11 years. Each volunteer then measured waist circumference to determine whether it makes a whole category of obesity or central obesity. They were also asked to report the incidence of asthma.

The results showed that volunteers with central obesity but does not include a comprehensive obesity recorded 1.44 times more likely to have asthma compared to non-obese group. While volunteers with central obesity and overall obesity had 1.81 times greater risk of having asthma.

Ben Brumpton from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, said, "Asthma can affect people of all sizes. Study we have considered the effects of central obesity and overall obesity on asthma development," he said.

However Brumpton claimed not to be able to explain exactly why abdominal fat is associated with an increased risk of asthma. "Central obesity is associated with insulin resistance and the metabolic syndrome. These factors play an important role on the relationship between central obesity with asthma. We will further evaluate this relationship in the years ahead," he explained.

Chemotherapy During Pregnancy is Considered Safe

Cancer patients who are pregnant should not delay chemotherapy or to have an abortion because chemotherapy is considered safe for the fetus. Negative effects actually seen in babies born prematurely to avoid chemotherapy.

Scientists who examined the effects of mental development and health of children born to mothers who did cancer therapy during pregnancy is discovered, the children are not affected by chemotherapy drugs. It disrupted their development if they were born prematurely, either naturally or induced.

"Research data shows more children suffer from premature birth than by prenatal chemotherapy," said Frederic Amant, a gynecological oncologist from the University Hospitals Leuven in Belgium who do research.

The number of cases of cancer that attacks the reproductive age causing quite a lot of pregnant women suffering from cancer. In Europe alone each year 2500-5000 pregnant women diagnosed with cancer. The diagnosis was traumatic for the mother who worries therapy cancer treatment will hurt the fetus.

Amant said that, from his experience, most expectant mothers decided to have an abortion because they are afraid of the effects of cancer therapy on the fetus. On the other hand, the doctors also often advise patients to delay or accelerate cancer therapy delivering babies, usually at 32 weeks' gestation.

However, from the results of his research, is not appropriate if the chemotherapy is given after 12-14 weeks of gestation. Moreover, only a small fraction of chemotherapy drugs that make it to the placenta and fetus. The drug according Amant has no health effects on fetal development.

Of the 70 infants studied, 68 were born during the study period and two-thirds were born before 37 weeks of age.

Amant discovered, the type of birth defects found in children is almost the same as the children of the general population. The researchers also found no cardiac abnormalities.

However, if there is a breakdown of cognitive development, as measured by IQ scores and behavioral tests, still relatively normal. Only those whose IQ is low mainly due to premature birth.

It had been known that premature infants at high risk of experiencing difficulties in learning. Studies also prove that babies born 1-2 weeks early before the age of 40 weeks are also more likely to have learning difficulties.

Back to the study of chemotherapy and pregnancy, Amant emphasized that the results of this study remains to be proven by long-term research. "At present we do not know whether chemotherapy on the long-term impact of pregnancy, such as the fertility of the child or the risk of cancer in the future," he said.

Minimize Stress During Pregnancy in This Way

For a pregnant woman, high levels of stress can be a problem not only for himself, but also the fetus. Many things can trigger an expectant mother experiencing discomfort, both physically and in the mind. Here are some tips that can be followed pregnant women in relieving the stress they experienced. These tips are delivered by Dr. Manju Hotchandani, a specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital of Moolchand Women:

1. Finding the root of the problem

Try to undergo minor things like the rest of all forms of work activities and trying to figure out what triggers and the real reason that stress you out. Stress is a form of fear and anxiety. No one can guess a person's mood. Therefore, listen to the signal coming out of your body in the event of changes in mood and adequate rest.

2. Slept like a baby

Go to sleep at least eight hours each night. During pregnancy, the body needs adequate rest to relieve physical stress and give your mind time to rest. Sleep can help rejuvenate the body. In pregnant women, the body has to work harder because they have to carry out the functions of two people. So it is important for you to relieve physical and mental stress, and stop thinking so hard. Doing some relaxation techniques may also be required to free your mind from day-to-day problems.

3. Eat healthy

It is important for pregnant women to not skip breakfast and eat regularly with a healthy and balanced diet (lots of fruits and vegetables). People who are experiencing stress, will generally find a way out by eating small meals that tend to choose less healthy foods. By eating regularly, then your desire to snack can be suppressed.

4. Exercise body and mind

Exercise is one way to release stress from the body. With physical activity, blood circulation will be faster and at the same time the body also releases the hormone cortisol stress hormone. To get peace of mind, you can work around this by listening to music or watching a movie on comfort.

5. Relax

Many women experience stress during pregnancy. To overcome this, there is no harm if you learn some relaxation techniques. It might actually be a little help you to sleep better and relieve the stress associated with physical pain such as stomach aches and headaches. When stress strikes, one's body will experience hormonal changes. Relax and exercise is the most useful weapon against stress is abnormal.

6. Learning from the experience of others

When a woman knows that she will be a mother, a lot of questions that will arise in his mind. This concern may be one of the biggest reasons that they are experiencing stress. One way around this problem is to learn from those who've been there. Talk to your parents or friends who had already been through it. By receiving a lot of good feedback from friends or parents, maybe you will be calmer in dealing with stress.

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Pain in The Eyes can Indicate Pain in The Brain

The study researchers found, patients with retinopathy or mild vascular disease that damages the eye's retina, risk also damage blood vessels in the brain that can affect thinking and memory skills. The study was published online on March 14, 2012, the American Academy of Neurology.

"The problem with the small blood vessels in the eyes can be a sign that there are problems with blood vessels in the brain that can lead to cognitive impairment," said study author Mary Haan, Dr. PH, MPH, of the University of California, San Francisco.

"These findings could be very useful. Due to the simple screening of the eye we can give an early indication that a person may have problems with their health and brain function," said Hann.

In research Yany lasted for 10 years, researchers enrolled 511 women with an average age of 69 years. Each year, the women participants follow a series of cognitive tests and thought processes. For four years, the researchers conducted eye health examination, and during the eight years of the participants also underwent brain scans.

Test results showed that a total of 39 women (7.6 percent) had retinopathy. Women with retinopathy average have lower scores while undergoing cognitive testing than women who did not have retinopathy. In fact, female participants with retinopathy also have more area damage small blood vessels in their brains.

They are also at risk of ischemic lesions by 47 percent in the brain blood vessels as a whole and 68 percent in the parietal lobe lesions. The lesions are often associated with vascular disease and stroke, is believed to be caused by hypertension.

Alcohol is Not Releasing Stress

When you consume a glass of beer or a shot of whiskey, in fact you drink is a most extraordinary substance on earth. Alcohol is a powerful drug that can affect judgment and emotions. No wonder if the people who are stressed a lot that run on these drinks.

In developed countries, nearly two-thirds of people rely on alcohol to relax in the evening. However, alcohol abuse is a very dangerous toxicity to health. These habits can damage the heart, raise blood pressure, deplete energy, lower blood pressure, to lead to depression and stress.

Actually much or often a person drinks is not directly ensure someone is having serious problems. In fact, someone who just drank one or two drinks after work, for example, may experience more severe alcohol problems than those who only get drunk on weekends.

In a survey of 2,000 adults aged 30-45 years, showed 44 percent of respondents consume alcohol even before they got off work. Stress and bad days at work are the most common reasons for consuming alcohol.
A third of men and half of women surveyed, admitted that they drank more than the recommended daily limit - three to four units of alcohol for men and two to three for women.

Experts from Drinkaware warn that alcohol may be able to help deal with stress - but will more often make things worse. "Alcohol can be a 'false friend' when you try to cope with stress," says Siobhan McCann, as head of campaigns and communications at Drinkaware.

Emily Robinson, campaign director for alcohol problems, saying, "a lot of people use alcohol to relax but habits can actually cause more problems."

"Although alcohol may make you feel drowsy, but the quality of your sleep may not be too good. Alcohol has a depressant effect that would exacerbate feelings of anxiety and make you feel more stressed," he explained.

He also added, "what is worrying is that drinking alcohol in the home on a regular basis can lead to addiction and habit-forming."

Smoking will Inhibit Development of The Fetus

Smoking is required to be avoided by expectant mothers who are planning a pregnancy or who are pregnant. One of the negative effects of smoking on infant health is the increased risk of miscarriage. The latest study shows embryonic (fetal candidate) of maternal smokers develop more slowly than non-smokers.
In a study using photographic technology, the researchers looked at the growth of the middle 868 embryos undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF). Approximately 139 women from the group of respondents were smokers.

Because IVF using the whole embryo in this study was developed in the laboratory. Thus, doctors can examine the embryo through embryoscope that allows embryo can be observed up close without disturbing. At certain times, the researchers photographed the embryo, from fertilization until ready for planting from the womb of the mother.

At each stage of development, the embryo turns of women smokers has always lagged behind women not perkok embryos. In the five stages of cell development, embryos of women who are not smokers develop in 49 hours while smoking a brand that takes 50 hours. At development eight cell stage, embryos from female smokers need at least four hours longer to develop than non-smokers.

"If you want to have a baby, quit smoking," said principal investigator and researcher senior embryologist, Dr. Thomas Freour.

According to Dr Allan Pacey, senior lecturer in andrology at the University of Sheffield, said studies using embryoscope are pioneers in bidngnya. "With this technology, the scientists were able to observe the development of the embryo in real-time without any bother," he said.

Pacey added that the use of technologically embryiscope is indeed new, and therefore will continue to be explored whether the technology has the potential to remember during this embryonic research can only be done through a microscope.

Quitting Smoking Does Make Fat

Weight gain is one reason why many smokers, especially women, are afraid to leave the habit of smoking. It is undeniable that people who quit smoking gain weight is slight, but the health benefits of staying off cigarettes are actually larger.

Within one year of quitting smoking, in general, a person can take about 3.6 pounds to 5 pounds. Weight gain is most felt is usually in the first three months.

European studies published on July 10 in the online version of the journal BMJ, showed that those who quit smoking without nicotine replacement therapy rose an average of about one pound a month after quitting. In three months, the increase could reach 2.9 kilograms.

Weight gain occurs because most ex-smokers feel there needs to be something in their mouths as a substitute for cigarettes. In addition, at least the levels of nicotine in the body also leads to changes in metabolism.

In fact, the note is still smoking far worse for your health than a few pounds of weight increase.

If you're looking to lose weight and at the same time want to quit smoking, then the business needs to do more weight. Therefore it is advisable to make an effort to quit smoking first, then apply the strategy to lose weight.

When you are trying to quit smoking, focus on healthy food intake and more active exercise.

Friday, 25 January 2013

Stress makes The Cancer more Aggressive

Facing cancer can indeed lead to feelings of despair. But try to find positive ways to deal with a sense of deep sadness and stress exacerbate the spread of cancer.

In experiments conducted on mice in the laboratory is shown how stress makes breast cancer spread to the bone. The spread of cancer or metastasis to distant organs, including bone, often causing death in cancer patients than in origin.

Research conducted Florent Elefteriou of Vanderbilt Center for Bone Biology reveals that stress can activate the sympathetic nervous system and cause bones to be a good environment for the growth of breast cancer cells.

"Preventing metastasis is a goal that must be achieved in cancer therapy. From this research we expect active sympathetic nervous may reshape the bone so that the cancer spread to love it," said Elefteriou.

Previous studies also revealed that breast cancer patients who suffer from stress or depression have a shorter life expectancy.

To prevent the spread of cancer patients manage emotions is important. Besides medicine type beta-blockers are also known to prevent the spread of cancer to the bone.

5 Physical Condition Inherited Parents

Inevitably if less physical ideal that we have influenced the genes passed down from parents.

No one is perfect, the phrase often uttered. Just as the human physical. It can not entirely blame our parents will physical misfortune that we have. However, it can not be circumvented if less physical ideal that we have inherited the genes that are affected by them. Some were less than ideal physical condition passed down by our parents:

1. Baldness

Scientists say if the problem of baldness in males is inherited from their father. Indeed, there has been no in-depth explanation about the baldness that afflicts some men. However, the problem is believed to be descendants of one of the factors that influence it. The problem of baldness tends to be influenced by multiple genes from one parent, or even our parents.

2. Lactose Intolerance

Those who can not digest the natural sugar in milk products and other everyday foods, said to be lactose intolerant. The disorder is difficult to avoid because it is inherited from ancestors and their parents.

The lowest prevalence in people of European descent Northwest, while the highest in Asia and American Indians. This is related to a shift in livelihood issues in ancient times from farm to dairy farms at 10,000 years ago. People living in developing dairy farms to develop a tolerance to lactose.

3. Pimple

Scientists do not fully believe if the acne is caused by excess production of natural skin oils, dead skin cells, in contact with the oily stuff, plus the buildup of bacteria. Stress and hormones also play an important role as a cause.

Mayo Clinic revealed, greasy and dirty skin which is often used as the main cause of acne is a myth. "If your parents had acne, you are likely to develop it as well."

4. Color-blind

The issue of color blindness struck ten per cent of men, while less than one percent of the women who experience it. In men, the problem is directly inherited color blindness, this is why men are more susceptible.

The gene for the receptor eye, red, and green, lie very close to each other on chromosome X. Men have only one X chromosome that they inherit from their mothers, while women have two. As such, she has good genes will offset one defective gene. 99 percent of cases are color blind because they can not distinguish between red and green colors.

5. Heart disease

Long hours of stress is one factor that can increase the risk of heart disease. According to the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, U.S., smoking, poor diet and lack of exercise is a sure way of increasing the potential for a heart attack.

But heredity plays a strong role. Having a family history of early heart disease is one of the major risk factors.

When should invite baby swimming?

Although for 9 months old baby is always swimming in amniotic fluid, do not rush him play in the pool water. Wait until he was more than two months.

"For infants aged less than two months, the concern is immune because they are susceptible to the disease. We recommend that parents do not bring their babies into the pool too quickly," says Howard Reinstein, a pediatrician and spokesperson for the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Swimming pools can easily be contaminated with bacteria that are very harmful to the baby. In addition, a new baby's body also can regulate its body temperature at about 6-12 weeks of age. "If the pool water was a little chilly for you, then the baby can be very cold it was," said Reinstein.

The best time to introduce baby to the sports pool is when the head was upright enough. Make sure the baby is in good health. Several studies have shown chlorine in pool water can exacerbate childhood asthma.

Should select a pool that is not too crowded and the water is not too cold. In addition to the water, the baby is also easily affected by cold winds in the open air. When children begin to look cold or uncomfortable, immediately remove from the pool.

Heart Pain Targeting Obese Children

Seeing the funny fat kid is adorable. But behind the humor there is something that just makes it funny. What the article? Yes, because being overweight makes the child vulnerable to disease.

In a recent study, researchers in the Netherlands indicates health, heart disease commonly suffered by those who are middle-aged, now also threatens children 2-12 years old who weigh too fat alias severe obesity. Obesity or overweight is a global problem, not just impinge on adults but also children in both the developed and developing countries.

From a study of 307 obese children are known, as much as two-thirds had at least one risk factor for heart disease, such as high blood pressure or hypertension.

Children two years of age are considered obese if his body mass index (BMI) of more than 20.5. At the age of 18 years, body mass index 35 is a sign of very obese.

"Nearly 62 percent of children aged less than 12 years who were obese had at least one risk factor for heart disease," write the researchers from VU University Medical Center in Amsterdam who collect child health data between the years 2005-2007.

Another finding is surprising is that half of obese children were suffering from hypertension. Also found cases of children who have low good cholesterol value and high blood sugar levels.

These factors will sooner or later lead to heart disease at a very young age.

Although respondents in the study were slightly, but should be a warning to parents who have children with excess body weight.

"This should be a concern. Addition, should the disease can be overcome by preventing child obesity," said Doireann Maddock of the British Heart Foundation.