In developed countries, nearly two-thirds of people rely on alcohol to relax in the evening. However, alcohol abuse is a very dangerous toxicity to health. These habits can damage the heart, raise blood pressure, deplete energy, lower blood pressure, to lead to depression and stress.
Actually much or often a person drinks is not directly ensure someone is having serious problems. In fact, someone who just drank one or two drinks after work, for example, may experience more severe alcohol problems than those who only get drunk on weekends.
In a survey of 2,000 adults aged 30-45 years, showed 44 percent of respondents consume alcohol even before they got off work. Stress and bad days at work are the most common reasons for consuming alcohol.
A third of men and half of women surveyed, admitted that they drank more than the recommended daily limit - three to four units of alcohol for men and two to three for women.
Experts from Drinkaware warn that alcohol may be able to help deal with stress - but will more often make things worse. "Alcohol can be a 'false friend' when you try to cope with stress," says Siobhan McCann, as head of campaigns and communications at Drinkaware.
Emily Robinson, campaign director for alcohol problems, saying, "a lot of people use alcohol to relax but habits can actually cause more problems."
"Although alcohol may make you feel drowsy, but the quality of your sleep may not be too good. Alcohol has a depressant effect that would exacerbate feelings of anxiety and make you feel more stressed," he explained.
He also added, "what is worrying is that drinking alcohol in the home on a regular basis can lead to addiction and habit-forming."
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